Custom Domain

Using a custom domain for your Kubeflow deployment on AWS


Before you configure a custom domain, please review this section to understand ALB with Cognito or OIDC optional configurations.

Using Custom Domain

In the Cognito App client setting page, set https://{YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME}/oauth2/idpresponse in the callback URLs. The remaining steps are the same as documented here.

Cognito Application Client Setting

After your ingress DNS is ready, you can get the hostname by running follow command.

kubectl get ingress istio-ingress -n istio-system
NAME            HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                       PORTS   AGE
istio-ingress   *   80      1h

Go to your domain vendor, create a CNAME in your DNS records and configure it to direct to this host name.

Custom Domain CNAME

Then you can visit your custom domain ( in the example below), and it will redirect you to an authentication page. A user can be added in AWS Cognito configuration settings, and you can use this user for the login service.

Kubeflow main page